Friday, February 20, 2009

No LLores Vata..You cry you die!

Has anyone ever watched the movie Bound By Honor-Blood In Blood Out? It's awesome, and chalk full of Chicano-isms, that I can relate to my life on a daily basis. So, in true Fancy Chola fashion...I've decided to stop the bitching an moaning, and look at the bright side. So what if I got rejected by the Spanish what if I'm so broke I can't pay what if our truck got stolen? I'm here ain't I? I have good hair, & awesome family and friends, and if those things fall through I still have beer right? Recently I feel like life has been handing me a big can of "chinga tu madre"! (thank you Cruzito), but sabes que...the sun is out, and I'm looking forward to good livin. I have been taking some time off of the purse making, but it feels good to rest. I am waiting for some inspiration to hit in the form of new fabric, and the pin-up's are begging me to create them some new home girls. The weather is getting warmer, and it's almost torta de huevo, and natillas time of year. Things really aren't that bad! So all the bad JUJU can just kiss my flat butt! I am also hoping to get back on the Weight Watchers wagon...I need to lose some arm jiggle before summer hits! Even though my friend Carolyn (floresoriginals) has been very generous with her photo shop skills, I am troubled by the fact that my mirror does not have a slimming feature..what's up with that? I have to assume that god made me a gordita because he wanted me to develop my personality...or maybe I would be vain, and mean! Oh wait I am vain and mean..but in a good way! If I was still in a complaining kind of mood, I would tell you about the 70+ grey hairs that I have found, counted, and pulled from my 31 year old head...but I won't! I am smiling in spite of my recent drama, and that's all I could ever ask for!

My Valentine Flowers! Que Fancy!

Got any favorite Chicano-isms or ism's in general? I wanna hear them! Here are some of my favorites from the movie. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When it rains it pours! And by rain I mean CRAP!

Well this fine February week started of with a real bang! If you have read my blog before, you already know that I am so broke, that I have to put a hamburger on layaway. I have been in a creative slump, and now my husband and I are the victims of auto theft! Yes it's true..and terrible...and so very wrong! My husband is a contractor/plumber, and our work truck is our mobile office. He was under a house repairing a leak, when (oh the horror!) he heard his truck start! His employee dashed out into the street in hot pursuit of the hardened criminal, but was quickly left in the smoke of our newly repaired diesel engine. What? Can you believe it? We just put four thousand dollars into that truck in the last 3 months. His and his employees wallet were in that truck, along with both of there house, and vehicle keys. Not to mention our gas log for tax purposes, receipts, and some equipment. Ay Dios Mio! The criminal lets call him A** Hole...did do us the courtesy of detaching our utility trailer, in order to make a quick get away. He was apparently scoping out the scene, while my husband was hard at work under a house trying to make and HONEST living. What the heck people. I mean I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut, and I can't seem to catch a break! I am grateful that everyone is safe..but bitter about my loss! To think that A**Hole is having a real laugh looking through my husbands wallet at our family photos, while heating up a turkey pot pie, and watching Cops with his stained wife beater, and dirty tube socks! I hope karma kicks his ass, and he realizes why! I know, I know, not very Christian of me, but I told you guys I was bitter! I have been praying my novina to San Antonio, finder of lost items, but who knows maybe this is meant to be a can of karmic whoop ass for me and my husband! I mean I think that basically we are genuinely good people, who live a good moral life, but hey that's just me grading my own paper...what if I think I am a witty little elf, with a gift for sarcasm, and I am actually a huge ass? If it is karma, it's definitely coming after husband is much to quiet and honest to do any cosmic damage. I don't know, random act, or cosmic sucks! I just hope my streak of bad luck, is over. I'm not used to this, my friend calls me Even Steven, because I always break even or end up ahead, I always get great parking at Costco, and usually everything works out in my favor..even if I don't realize it right away. Hopefully this is one of those times! I better take some precautions though, maybe I will try to ease up on the cuss words, and quit sneaking smokes in my garage. Any who, my rant is over, and my plea to the universe has begun. Send your good vibes my way if you have some to spare, and I'll keep on truckin, (oh wait! I have no truck!). Farewell old Friend..we'll miss you!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hola Otra Vez

Well, I'm's been a rough couple of weeks. I am operating on stress, and ibuprofen, and I am in a funk...and not the good Studio 64 kind. I mean the kind of funk where your down, and lack the "ganas" to create or do anything. I did however get talked into trying out for the Santa Fe Spanish Market..ahem..I mean the contemporary Hispanic market. I know there is a big difference..the "traditional" artists usually point it out. Not all of them just the snotty's that think contemporary art is a lower rung on the artistic latter. To them I say guffaw. Contemporary art is Art on steroids! It is art that has yet to be discovered..colors that scare the faint of heart, and grab the looker by the coller and say "can you handle this!". But I digress, back to the funk, and Santa Fe Market. I entered three bags, not my best work just three bags that I had yet to sell. I figured hey why the heck not? But now here I sit waiting to be judged and possibly rejected! REJECTED!!!!!!! What was I thinking? Can I handle a funk and a rejection?? Will I ever recover, or will I have to end my tumultuous relationship with my fickle sewing machine for good? Whatever the outcome is, I have no choice but to take it like a lady. A bitchy, fit throwing, potty mouthed lady! Now if I do get in, I can only hope that it brings me a wave of motivation, to get creatively crakin' once again. Pray for me guys! O yes...suggestions on funk busters are greatly appreciated!