Thursday, January 8, 2009

Aye ya yie...I'm broke!

Well first let me start off this blog by saying..HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELVIS! The king is gone but not forgotten. What an icon, what a looker, what an eater! A man after my own heart really!

So it's 8 days into the new year and I'm scared! What the hell happened to all the money? It used to miraculously appear in my bank account, and it just up and walked away. I mean I know we are facing tough times, but I never thought that it would hit my life so hard! I have never been a woman of means, but comfortable indeed. Now I'm cooking papa's and beans, and leaving no leftover wasted. My lip and eyebrow waxer has put my face up on a milk carton..(luckily no one will recognize me with this Magnum P.I. mustache), and ahh the fond memories of a pedicure are but a mere speck in the rear view mirror of my life. A trip to the movies is now a Lifetime flick on the couch, and I have turned into the energy Nazi, punishing the wasteful boys that dare leave the lights on in an empty room. I guess I could look at the bright side, the new budget has no room for eating out, so I may just turn this cash loss into some pounds lost! The lack of entertainment funds, could force me to back to my sewing machine, and hey maybe poverty will make me into one of those brilliant starving artist types! Either way I gotta keep on truckin. I guess that things could be worse, I could have a beard that coordinates with my stash right? For now, I'm skating on thin ice, but hey at least I'm skating! Colorado..thin ice!
Oh yeah, I'd like to say a special thanks to Carolyn for the shout out that she gave me on her blog, (Mi Vida Loca) check her out, not only is she a good friend, but her art is bad ass!